Digital leaders
Digital leaders at GDPS
What is a digital leader?
Digital Leaders are children with a passion for technology who want to share their knowledge with others and promote the use of all things digital throughout the school. Being a Digital Leader is a fantastic opportunity to take on responsibility, learn new skills, develop and demonstrate leadership skills.
What do digital leaders do?
Digital Leaders may have the following roles and responsibilities:
- Create and maintain a section on our school website
- Contribute to our school newsletter.
- Create ‘How to’ videos/slideshows/handouts.
- Helping staff/children with different aspect of using tools online.
- Supporting staff and children with online safety.
- Plan and lead a computing helpdesk 1 lunchtime per week on a rota.
- Support teachers across the school when they teach Computing or use new hardware or software
- Help other pupils to use new software and hardware
- Support teachers in looking after and putting away the school iPads
- Attend after-school training for staff and parents – with your parents’ permission of course!
- Trial new software/hardware as required
- Undertake training and complete tasks to become ‘experts’
If you are experiencing online bullying or something else online has worried you please speak to an adult you trust, or you can talk to
Childline at any time on 0800 1111 or at