The school day & wraparound care
The school day will begin at 8.30am when the children will be admitted to the building via their classroom play area. Registers will be taken at 8.40 - 8:45am and school will begin. The school day ends at 3.15 pm with gates opening for parents at 3:10pm.
7.30-8.30 8.30 8.40 8.40 10.00 10.15 10:30 11.45–12.30 12.00–12:45 12.45–1.30 3.15 3.15–4.15 3.15–5:30 |
Breakfast Club (Click here for details) Gates open Gates close Registration Morning break for KS1 Morning break for Lower KS2 Morning break for Upper KS2 Lunch for Early years Lunch for KS1 Lunch for KS2 Home time Extra-Curricular Clubs (Click here for details) After School Club (Click here for details)
Safety and Security
The staff and governors at Great Denham are fully committed to maintaining the safety of children and the security of the building. The school building has an alarm system and all possible measures are taken to ensure that access to the school is monitored. There is also CCTV in operation which is monitored closely by the Site Manager. All visitors must report to the school office and sign in the visitor’s system. The school is only accessible via a swipe card system and children know that all adults should be wearing either a staff badge on a lanyard or visitor badge/lanyard. The governors responsible for health and safety monitor the safety of the site on a termly basis as well as weekly and daily checks by the Site Manager. As well as this we have a school safety squad who meet termly. Gates are locked after register in the morning and the only gates left unlocked are the pedestrian gates from the main road and the front car park gate for access.
As a new school, we are well equipped and have disabled toilets, a shower room as well as all of our doors being wide enough for wheelchairs. We have adjustable height tables and sinks in all areas of the school as well. Please visit our Special Educational Needs section to read more about our accessibility plan.