Greenkeepers Rd, Great Denham, MK40 4GG


Great Denham Primary

Inspiring excellence; everyone, everyday

Friends of Great Denham


The Friends of Great Denham is the Parent Teacher Association for Great Denham Primary School and was formed in early 2013 not long after the school opened.  We support the school in building memorable and exciting moments into school life to enrich students’ lives.


About the committee

We believe in creating a welcoming community for parents and carers to engage more actively with the school – whether that’s through participating in any of our events or fundraising activities, or volunteering your time a part of the committee. All families are welcome to join in whilst they have a child attending the school.

The Friends of Great Denham is run by a committee of volunteers drawn from the parents, carers, and staff within the school. We currently have a group of around 30 volunteers to help by donating either their time or skills throughout the year – and more are always welcome to join!

As a charitable organisation, the committee has a leadership team who are elected to serve as administrators and take the lead in planning, promoting, and executing all our activities.

At the AGM held on 8th October 2024, members were voted into the roles as follows:

Chairs – Jodie Gibson

Treasurer – Fiona Morrigan

Secretary – Andy Canham

Event Coordinators – Suzy Swann

Volunteer Committee Member – Jennie Darnell 

The Committee meets on a regular basis, usually once or twice per term, with smaller working groups meeting as necessary when we are planning larger events. 

What we do

The Friends of Great Denham organises and runs fun, family events that raise money for the school.  The money raised is used to add value to your child's education. Historically, we’ve raised funds to help purchase things like the mini running track, sensory equipment, new musical instruments, new books, and coaches for the students to attend events. 

We run lots of events throughout the year to raise money, and details are circulated through the school via email or sent home with children using blue paper to distinguish them from school communications.  We also share details of all our events through our facebook page so you can easily keep up with our events.


We also sell secondhand uniform throughout the year through our online webshop – so you can pick up whatever bits of uniform you might need whilst also supporting the school. Have a child who’s outgrown their uniform? We also accept donations to add to our shop!

Get involved!

Do you have ideas for future events? Does your employer offer charitable grants to support schools? Would you like to join the committee or offer your support for future events?

All parents and carers with a child attending the school are welcome to join the committee.  We meet usually once a term, in the evening, and we don’t mandate a specific amount of time you need to volunteer.  Whether you help one afternoon at a specific event, drop off some baked goods for our monthly Tuck Shop, or design up some posters – we appreciate that everyone will have different ways of supporting our mission!

If you’d like to get in touch, just email us at – we would love to hear from you!